We are an Investment Company Operating in the Revenue Based Finance Landscape

Our goal is to boost growth for aspiring founders and enable flexibility in the fundraising process.

Revenue-based financing (RBF) offers several benefits for company founders

  • Flexible Repayment Structure: RBF allows founders to repay funds based on a percentage of their revenue. This means that during slow periods, they pay less, alleviating some financial pressure.
  • No Equity Dilution: Unlike traditional equity financing, RBF doesn’t require founders to give up ownership stakes in their company. They maintain full control and ownership.
  • Alignment of Interests: Since repayment is tied to revenue, investors’ interests are aligned with the success of the business. Investors benefit when the company performs well, incentivizing them to provide support and guidance.
  • Access to Capital: RBF provides an alternative source of funding for founders who may not qualify for traditional loans or prefer not to take on venture capital. It can be particularly useful for companies with steady revenue streams but limited assets.
  • Speed and Efficiency: RBF transactions typically have shorter turnaround times compared to equity financing, making it a quicker option for founders in need of capital.

Additional benefits for company founders

  • Scalability: As revenue grows, founders can access more funding through RBF without the need for additional rounds of negotiation or fundraising.
  • No Personal Guarantees or Collateral: RBF typically doesn’t require founders to provide personal guarantees or collateral, reducing personal financial risk.
  • Diverse Use of Funds: Founders can use RBF capital for various purposes, such as expanding operations, investing in marketing and sales efforts, hiring talent, or improving products/services.
  • Long-Term Relationships: RBF investors often take a long-term view of their investments, fostering a supportive relationship with founders beyond just providing capital.
  • Risk Mitigation: RBF investors share in the risks and rewards of the business, which can provide a buffer during economic downturns or unexpected challenges.

Investment Criteria

Companies and Entrepreneurs with a minimum of €100.000 monthly recurring revenue (MRR)

What we offer

Typical investment of up to €500.000 with adjustable allocated repayment percentage


Multiple ranging from 1.7 to 2.5x depending on the current MRR and growth potential

We typically need 7 to 10 days for investment decision and 2 to 4 weeks from initial analysis to investment.

Overview of our Investments

April 2024


+ € 250.000 Call Option for the Recipient.

Property Management Platform
based in Vienna

Let’s Get Connected

Are you a Company seeking financing?

Are you a prospective investor?